Combine — switchToLatest()
switchToLatest() is one of the most powerful operator in Combine as it enables to switch entire publisher subscriptions on the fly while canceling the pending publisher subscription, thus switching to...
Combine — Handling UIKit’s gestures
While Combine doesn’t provide a built-in API to handle UIKit’s gestures yet, the Publisher and Subscription protocols give us the ability to create our own solution. — Creating a custom...
SwiftUI - @Published
The @Published attribute is a property wrapper that allows access to a Publisher type using either the $ syntax or the projectedValue struct property. @propertyWrapper public struct Published<Value> { ///...
Functional Reactive Programming - Future and Single
While Publisher and Observable are designed to deliver an infinite stream of elements over time, Combine and RxSwift provides with variations of these protocols to model any cases where we...
Functional Reactive Programming - Publisher and Observable
RxSwift and Combine are reactive programming solutions whose purpose is to handle asynchronous events. RxSwift is the most popular framework whereas Combine is Apple’s recently introduced built-in solution. Dealing with...