Swift - @unknown and @frozen

Introduced with Swift 5, the @unknown attribute is particularly useful when switching over a nonfrozen enumeration. While the @frozen attribute is used on familiar enums such as Result or Optional...

Swift - Opaque types

Introduced with Swift 5.1, opaque types take protocols with associated types to a whole new level. They enable us to use generic protocols as functions’ return types while keeping the...

Swift - Reference vs Value types

The Swift language provide different ways of storing data using structs, enums or classes. Classes are reference types whereas structs and enums are value types. Reference types Classes and functions...

iOS - UITableViewDiffableDataSource

Introduced with Swift 5, the generic class UITableViewDiffableDataSource provides a brand new API which will facilitate the configuration of a table view. The generic class UICollectionViewDiffableDataSource has also been released....

iOS - Animations

Animations enable us to enhance the user experience by creating a wide range of visual effects in an app. Animations are quite sensitive because of the thin line lying between...